Blue paper

Lesson 9: Audio editing techniques

Objective: Students will explore how to manipulate audio through editing tools to enhance or create unique sounds in music production. Materials: Computers with internet access, Soundation accounts, speakers, and headphones.


  1. 1
    Introduction to audio editing (25 mins):
    • Discuss different techniques for manipulating audio, such as: Using editing tools to clean up or change the character of a sound.
    • Demonstrate how to use tools like the pointer, scissor, and time-stretch tools as well as how to reverse a clip and use the auto-stretch feature.
  2. 2
    Audio editing practice (25 mins):
    • Students will edit their previously created audio tracks by stretching, reversing, changing pitch, and editing the audio. Encourage them to combine multiple techniques for unique results.
    • Provide support as students experiment with the various tools.
  3. 3
    Discussion (10 mins):
    • Share & Discuss: Students share their edited audio files. Lead a discussion about the creative process and how different techniques transformed the original sounds.


Create a short sound design piece incorporating at least two different audio editing techniques.


  • Pointer tool: Use the Pointer tool to trim, loop, and move clips around.
  • Scissor tool: Use the Scissor tool to cut clips
  • Stretch tool: While active, drag the right side of a clip to the left or right to stretch it. Use Time-stretch for tonal audio clips that you want to keep in the same key. Use Pitch-stretch for rhythmic audio clips to retain a higher quality while shifting the tonality, or to pitch something up or down creatively. By stretching a clip to double or half its original length, you can shift it to 1 octave higher or lower.
  • Snapping: Turn off the automatic snapping to the grid by using the hotkey Ctrl/Cmd.
  • Context menu: Right-click on an audio clip to access the Reverse and Auto-stretch features.